Hello, I'm

Faheem Saleem

3rd Year in BSc Computer Science | Placement Year at Thales

My LinkedIn profile My Github profile My Play Store profile My Google profile My Play Store profile My discord profile My steam profile


Statics - Valorant Stats Application

One of my best projects yet! A Material 3 Android application with over 20K downloads. Used Kotlin + Android Studio

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OAuth Flows - Ethical Hacking

Discussing security vulnerabilities in OAuth Flows and how to protect against it

Code Editor Screenshot


Networks - Extensive Report

A report dedicated to designing a network using Cisco Packet Tracer

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Great Uni Hack - Hackathon

My first hackathon event hosted in Manchester for 24 hours

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Arduino - Microcontroller

Delved into the physical hardware and created some pretty cool projects with this

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Industry and Community Engagment

A report detailing events engaging with my professional industry

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Discord Bots - For fun

Several Discord bots in Python with different features

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Centipede - Processing Game

Created in Java and was my first university assignment

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How did this all start

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